Check-in Directions

Honokohau Harbor Address:
74-380 Kealakehe Pkw.
Kailua-Kona, HI. 96740 Slip C-1
You can enter this address into Google Maps, however there are many boats at the harbor, therefore we recommend following the turn by turn directions below.

Mahalo Nui Loa!

Directions From the
Kona International Airport:

• Turn right onto HI-19/ Queen Kaahumanu Hwy, go 3.5 miles.
  At light, turn right on Kealakehe Pkwy into entrance of Honokohau Marina.
Make the first right and follow the road around.
• After passing Gentry's Sea Store Deli / Gas Station, turn left.
• Park on the left or right side of the boat ramp near the pavilion / bathrooms.
• Look for our sign: ‘Manta Ray Dives of Hawaii’ is in slip C-1, just left of the boat ramp.
• Our crew will meet you in this area for check-in.


• Take HI-19/ Queen Kaahumanu Hwy, north towards the Kona International Airport.
• At light, turn left on Kealakehe Pkwy into entrance of Honokohau Marina.
Make the first right and follow the road around.
• After passing Gentry's Sea Store Deli / Gas Station, turn left.
• Park on the right side of the boat ramp near the pavilion / bathrooms.
• Look for our sign: ‘Manta Ray Dives of Hawaii’ is in slip C-1, just left of the boat ramp.
• Our crew will meet you in this area for check-in.

Have questions for us?

Please fill out the form below with your questions and we will get back to you as soon as we can!
Our customer service team is available every day from 9am to 4pm Hawaii Standard Time.
Mahalo Nui loa!